Thursday, January 17, 2019

Have you said “I love you” lately? If not then don’t bother.

The word love can evoke a lot of emotions even when a person's actions say otherwise. Imagine a girl proclaiming her undying love to a gorilla (lets say her pet gorilla😊), “I love you, I love you, I truly love you” with that gorilla looking completely baffled by this warm out pour of human affection. I imagine in the gorilla’s mind or for lack of a mind; those words are completely void of any meaning. Now imagine instead of that gorilla its your boyfriend or your girlfriend, a wife or a husband, a sister or a brother and so on. The point here is not to belittle human intelligence by making the comparison to a gorilla but simply to emphasize the difficulty the use of words may entail in communicating an action otherwise unknown. Sometimes we rely so heavily on words to communicate things that only our actions can really communicate. "He hits me but he says he loves me, he’s just going through some things,”  sounds familiar? A really nice one, “I’ll just have to love you from a distance.” – I guess this is where quantum physics comes in  – “spooky action at a distance”, how you love someone from a distance is a mystery to me. I know things can get complicated. There are times when things are anything but black and white but it’s my opinion that it would be good to have as a rule of thumb to never have to say I love you to those we truly love while at the same time leaving no occasion for doubt or feelings of uncertainty in their minds.  Love should be a word of action not rhetoric.

Have you said “I love you” lately? If not then don’t bother, just show it!

I know I haven’t really delivered anything steaming and controversial on this blog as yet but to be frank I’m convinced there’s enough of that going around already. PEACE!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Morals- The Never Ending Song and Dance Between Nurture and Nature

Morality has to do with peoples ideas on what is wrong or right, what is socially acceptable and what should be punishable by law. There are basically two prevailing ideas that encompass people’s views on morality, moral relativism and moral absolutism. The latter says people’s ideas on what is wrong or right are based on basic principles that are universal in nature. Moral relativism on the other hand makes the claim that moral judgments are subjective and rest solely on the times and culture in which one lives. Basically morality can be looked at as a mere intellectual conception or as a question of practical everyday life. In my opinion people’s behavior for the most part is governed by the unspoken propensities that drive them rather than elusive ideals. Our ideas on morality are based not only on our hereditary predispositions; since the ideas we hold to usually have to be consistent with our own behavior,  but also on being molded by a very complex association of the ideas that pervades the culture in which we are a part. The debate on morality will no doubt continue especially with advances in Neuroscience being made that question the very notion of free will.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Welcome to Don't Go There

Hello and welcome to my blog. What I would like to do for the first post is to say a little bit on the direction I hope to take with this blog. First and foremost in case you’re wondering why the title Don’t Go There for the blog; well it’s because I hope to write on some really touchy subjects; the kind that would make you say, “don’t even go there.” I hope the subjects will be thought provoking enough that ultimately they will get some really good dialogue going. I probably should forewarn you that some of the subjects are going to be somewhat of a philosophical nature but hopefully more practical and relevant to everyday life than just mere philosophy. I hope to also have various contributing writers in order to broaden the scope of the topics and to also present things from different perspectives. Just so you have an idea of what you can expect, we will be delving into topics such as morality, religion, scientific progress, love, relationships, sex  and other somewhat subjective and controversial subjects. I welcome and appreciate suggestions on how to improve the blog's appearance, contents or just making it a super cool place to visit. Do enjoy your stay and come again
